- Just like our coffee, we’ve built something a little different on Youngstorget in Oslo. Here you’ll find great beats, excellent banter and tasty coffee brewed the way you like it by lovely people alongside our handmade doughnuts that we make fresh everyday.

Vi tar praten med kvinnelige gründere som har fått det til! De har klart å skape en arbeidsplass for seg selv og kanskje til og med andre. Vi kommer til å velge ut interessante damer fra flere bransjer - fellesnevneren er at det er entreprenører med suksess som har interessante historier å fortelle, både om oppstartsfase, suksess og motgang. Hvordan har de kommet dit de er i dag? Hva kunne de ønske de visste mer om da de begynte, hva er de aller mest stolt av og hvilke uvurderlige råd har de til andre som ønsker å satse?
Talor er først ute i vår nye spalte: Gründer Crush. Det finnes så vanvittig mange bra og flinke damer der ute som gutser på og satser på gründerdrømmen sin. Vi er sikre på at disse historiene kan bidra til mer inspirasjon blant oss jenter og kvinner! Vi tok en prat med doghnut-dronninga Talor fra "Talor & Jørgen" kun én uke etter åpningen av kaféen i Youngs gate 9. Siden hun er Australier bosatt i Oslo tar vi resten på engelsk.
What is your favourite thing about your workspace?
I love the colours and the neon lights so much. It doesn’t look like any other cafe in the world and that was my intention. I built the shop to bring joy and I feel like there is no mistaking that, when you walk through the door.
What is the biggest sacrifice you´ve made in starting or running your business?
In the past few years I’ve sacrificed at lot to get to this point. Sleep is without a doubt the number one. I’m usually in bed several hours after my husband and back up again several hours before his alarm goes off.
The other would have to be relationships. Some friendships fell apart because I wasn’t able to make them a priority, others because they struggled with seeing me succeed.
What does success mean to you?
Success means being able to create something that makes people feel. Whether that be a fleeting moment of satisfaction or something more long term, like hiring someone and helping them nurture their skill set to evolve their career.

Which of your traits are you most proud of?
My empathy and deep connections with my emotions is without a doubt my most valuable trait.
What´s your favourite thing to come home to after a long day´s work?
A long soak in a bath tub.
Name the biggest overall lesson you´ve learned in running a business.
That often the thing you set out to do might change and its your ability to adapt, accept and evolve that sets you apart.
What is your no-fail go-to when you need inspiration?
A conversation with my business partner, Jørgen.
Do you have a motto?
Casey Niestat published a video where he said, “Be the fucking iceberg”. It always resonated with me.
In moments of self-doubt or adversity, how do you build yourself back up?
Honestly, this is the thing I struggle with the most. My strength is my weakness and I am often shaken by my tender emotions. Often the best medicine has been to take a nap and get some space from the thing. Also conversations with those I care about are exponentially helpful.

What did you want to be when you were a child?
My mum is a hairdresser and I spent my afternoons, after school, hanging out with her and her clients. Often they’d ask me if I wanted to follow in her footsteps and I’d screw up my face and say, “I don’t want to spend so much time on my feet.” Pretty ironic that I ended up in the service industry! For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to make cakes and drinks for people. I’ve been dreaming of having my own cafe since I was a little girl.
What was the best piece of business advice you were given when you were starting out?
Without a doubt, the most valuable piece of advice I received through the years was the power of “doing the thing”. Anyone can have a great idea but its the follow through that matters. Set a goal or task and get there whatever way you can.